Introducing the BAIR Blog

Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) brings together researchers at UC Berkeley across the areas of computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, planning, and robotics, and each year we publish cutting edge research across all of these areas. Dissemination of scientific results is a core component of our mission, and while the traditional avenues for fulfilling this mission – publications and presentations at academic conferences – continue to be the primary method for disseminating our results, we must also strive to make our results accessible, easily interpretable, and available to all. As part of this effort, we are launching the BAIR Blog, a general audience blog where we will present and discuss recent results in computer vision, deep learning, robotics, NLP, and a variety of other areas where BAIR conducts cutting-edge research. Our aim with the BAIR Blog will be to present recent scientific findings in a format that is engaging, accessible, but at the same time informative for readers with all levels of expertise. Our inaugural post describes some recent work at BAIR at the intersection of vision and natural language processing. Posts on a variety of other topics will follow on a weekly basis.

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